职位 : 研究员
个人主页 :
联系方式 :
邮箱 : sliang@tongji.edu.cn, sliang@ustb.edu.cn
办公地点 : 张江人工智能岛17号楼
研究方向 :
  • 个人经历

    2010年07月 – 2015年09月 中国科学技术大学 控制科学与工程 博士
    2013年09月 – 2014年08月 美国北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 公派联合培养博士
    2006年06月 – 2010年07月 中国科学技术大学 自动化 学士
    2021年01月 – 至今 同济大学 电子与信息工程学院/上海自主智能无人系统科学中心 特聘研究员
    2020年07月 – 2021年01月 北京科技大学 自动化学院 副教授
    2017年09月 – 2020年06月 北京科技大学 自动化学院 讲师
    2017年10月 – 2018年10月 美国韦恩州立大学 工程学院 访问学者
    2015年10月 – 2017年08月 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 系统与控制重点实验室 博士后

  • 教学与课程




  • 研究方向








              国家自然科学基金青年基金,  主持、在研,    2020.01–2022.12

              中央高校基本科研业务费,   主持、已结题,  2020.01–2020.11

              中央高校基本科研业务费,   主持、已结题,  2017.11–2019.11

              中国博士后基金面上项目,   主持、已结题,  2016.05–2017.06

              国家重点研发计划重点专项,  参与、在研,    2019.12–2022.11

              国家重点研发计划重点专项,  参与、在研,    2020.01–2022.12

              国家自然科学基金面上项目,  参与、在研,    2019.01–2022.12

  • 研究成果


    1) 鉴于凸分析在分布式优化中所起的基础性作用,而变分分析是凸分析的进一步发展,提出基于变分分析的分布式优化理论与方法。根据变分分析中度量正则性理论,给出经典原始-对偶梯度算法不依赖连续和离散时间域的本质指数收敛判据。

    2) 将非光滑跟踪技术引入分布式优化与博弈中,发展出一套以非光滑跟踪、精确罚函数、拉格朗日对偶为基础的修正拉格朗日函数理论和分布式算法设计与收敛分析方法。在无向网络拓扑下,解决了连续时间多智能体系统耦合约束优化与广义纳什均衡计算问题。

    3) 以牺牲精度为代价提出分布式次优算法设计与分析方法。显著降低计算与通讯负担,所得到的次优解满足约束条件,且精度可通过参数任意调控。联合变分不等式与奇异扰动分析,得到存在性、次优性、算法收敛性等基础结论。

    4) 汲取多智能体领域处理非平衡图的Push-Sum和Surplus-Variable方法,以及非光滑凸优化领域优于次梯度算法的Dual-Averaging和Quasi-Monotone方法,提出先进的分布式非光滑凸优化算法设计与分析方法。



    5) 针对线性同元次分数阶对象,借鉴古典与现代控制理论的发展,提出相应的Routh判据,LQR最优控制,H控制,有理逼近与数值计算等。


  • 发表论文


    [1]   Shu Liang, Xianlin Zeng, Guanpu Chen, Yiguang Hong. Distributed sub-optimal resource allocation via a projected form of singular perturbation [J]. Automatica, 2020, 121, 109180.

    [2]   Shu Liang, Leyi Wang, George Yin. Dual averaging push for distributed convex optimization over time-varying directed graphs [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(4): 1785-1791.

    [3]   Shu Liang, Leyi Wang, George Yin. Distributed smooth convex optimization with coupled constraints [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2020, 65(1): 347-353.

    [4]   Shu Liang, Leyi Wang, George Yin. Exponential convergence of distributed primal–dual convex optimization algorithm without strong convexity [J]. Automatica, 2019, 105, 298-306.

    [5]   Shu Liang, Leyi Wang, George Yin. Distributed quasi-monotone subgradient algorithm for nonsmooth convex optimization over directed graphs [J]. Automatica, 2019, 101: 175-181.

    [6]   Shu Liang, Xianlin Zeng, Yiguang Hong. Distributed sub-optimal resource allocation over weight-balanced graph via singular perturbation [J]. Automatica, 2018, 95(9): 222-228.

    [7]    Shu Liang, Xianlin Zeng, Yiguang Hong. Distributed nonsmooth optimization with coupled inequality constraints via modified Lagrangian function [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2018, 63(6): 1753-1759.

    [8]   Shu Liang, Peng Yi, Yiguang Hong. Distributed Nash equilibrium seeking for aggregative games with coupled constraints [J]. Automatica, 2017, 85(11): 179-185.



    [1]   Shu Liang, Leyi Wang, George Yin. Distributed dual subgradient algorithms with iterate-averaging feedback for convex optimization with coupled constraints [J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2933003.

    [2]   Shu Liang, Leyi Wang, George Yin. Distributed continuous-time algorithm for nonsmooth optimal consensus without sharing local decision variables [J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2020, 357(6): 3585-3600.

    [3]   Shu Liang, Leyi Wang, George Yin. Fractional differential equation approach for convex optimization with convergence rate analysis [J]. Optimization Letters, 2020, 14(1): 145-155.

    [4]   梁舒彭开香分布式一致性最优化的梯度算法与收敛分析[J]. 工程科学学报, 2020, 42(4): 434-440.

    [5]   Shu Liang, Xianlin Zeng. Multi-agent network flows that solve linear complementarity problems [J]. Kybernetika, 2018, 53(3): 542-556.

    [6]   Shu Liang, Yinshan Liang, Inverse Lyapunov theorem for linear time invariant fractional order systems [J]. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2019, 32(6): 1544-1559.

    [7]   Shu Liang, Sheng-Guo Wang, Yong Wang. Routh-type table test for zero distribution of polynomials with commensurate fractional and integer degrees [J]. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 354(1): 83-104.

    [8]   Shu Liang, Xianlin Zeng, Yiguang Hong. Lyapunov stability and generalized invariance principle for nonconvex differential inclusions [J]. Control Theory and Technology, 2016, 14(2): 140-150.

    [9]   Shu Liang, Cheng Peng, Zeng Liao, Yong Wang. Robust analysis and synthesis for a class of fractional order systems with coupling uncertainties [J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2015, 13(4): 494-500.

    [10]   Shu Liang, Yiheng Wei, Jinwen Pan, Qing Gao, Yong Wang. Bounded real lemmas for fractional order systems [J]. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2015, 12(2): 192-198.

    [11]   Shu Liang, Cheng Peng, Zeng Liao, Yong Wang. State space approximation for general fractional order dynamic systems [J]. International Journal of Systems Science, 2014, 45(10): 2203-2212.

    [12]   梁舒彭程王永分数阶系统线性矩阵不等式稳定判据的改进与鲁棒镇定: 0<α<1的情况[J]. 控制理论与应用, 2013, 30(4): 531-535.



    [1]   Yawei Zhang, Shu Liang, Xinghu Wang, Haibo Ji. Distributed Nash equilibrium seeking for aggregative games with nonlinear dynamics under external disturbances, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2020, 50(12): 4876-4885.

    [2]    Xianlin Zeng, Jie Chen, Shu Liang, Yiguang Hong. Generalized Nash equilibrium seeking strategy for distributed nonsmooth multi-cluster game [J]. Automatica, 2019, 103, 20-26.

    [3]  Xianlin Zeng, Shu Liang, Yiguang Hong, Jie Chen. Distributed computation of linear matrix equations: An optimization perspective[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2019, 64 (5), 1858-1873.

    [4]   Zhenhua DengShu Liang. Distributed algorithms for aggregative games of multiple heterogeneous Euler-Lagrange systems[J]. Automatica, 2019, 99: 246-252.

    [5]    Zhenhua DengShu LiangYiguang Hong. Distributed continuous-time algorithms for resource allocation problems over weight-balanced digraphs [J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2018, 48(11): 3116-3125.

    [6]   Zhenhua DengShu Liang, and Weiyong Yu. Distributed optimal resource allocation of second-order multiagent systems [J]. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, 28(14): 4246-4260.

    [7]   Shengguo Wang, Shu Liang, Liang Ma, Kaixiang Peng. Routh table test for stability of commensurate fractional degree polynomials and their commensurate fractional order systems [J]. Control Theory and Technology, 2019, 17(3): 297–306.

    [8]   Xi ZhouYiheng WeiShu LiangYong Wang. Robust fast controller design via nonlinear fractional differential equations [J]. ISA Transactions, 2017, 69: 20-30.

    [9]    Songsong ChengYiheng WeiYuquan ChenShu LiangYong Wang. A universal modified LMS algorithm with iteration order hybrid switching [J]. ISA Transactions, 2017, 67: 67-75.

    [10]   Bin DuYiheng WeiShu LiangYong Wang. Rational approximation of fractional order systems by vector fitting method [J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2017, 15(1): 186-195.

    [11]   Bin DuYiheng WeiShu LiangYong Wang. Estimation of exact initial states of fractional order systems [J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 86(3): 2061-2070.

    [12]   Yuquan ChenYiheng WeiShu LiangYong Wang. Indirect model reference adaptive control for a class of fractional order systems [J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2016, 39: 458-471.

    [13]   Mingjiu GaiMingjiu GaiShu LiangXiaolei Liu. Frequency distributed model of Caputo derivatives and robust stability of a class of multi-variable fractional-order neural networks with uncertainties [J]. Neurocomputing, 2016, 202: 91-97.

    [14]   Yiheng WeiYuquan ChenShu LiangYong Wang. A novel algorithm on adaptive backstepping control of fractional order systems [J]. Neurocomputing, 2015, 165: 395-402.

    [15]   Yiheng WeiHamid Reza KarimiShu LiangQing GaoYong Wang. General output feedback stabilization for fractional order systems: an LMI approach [J]. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014.

    [16]   Yong WangShu Liang. Two-DOF lifted LMI conditions for robust D-stability of polynomial matrix polytopes [J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2013, 11(3): 636-642.

    [17]   Zeng LiaoZhuting ZhuShu LiangCheng PengYong Wang. Subspace identification for fractional order Hammerstein systems based on instrumental variables [J]. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2012, 10(5): 947-953.



    [1]    Shu Liang, Songsong Cheng, Kaixiang Peng. Distributed optimization over unbalanced graph: integration of surplus-based method and push-DIGing method [C]. The 38th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Guangzhou, China, July 27-30, 2019: 2064-2069.

    [2]   Shu LiangXianlin ZengYiguang Hong. Distributed continuous-time algorithm for solving linear complementarity problems with exponential convergence [C]. The 14th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, June 12-15, 2018: 728-733.

    [3]   Shu LiangPeng YiYiguang Hong. Distributed Nash equilibrium seeking of a class of aggregative games [C]. The 13th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA), Ohrid, Macedonia, July 3-6, 2017: 58-63.

    [4]   Shu LiangXianlin ZengYiguang Hong. Stability criterion for nonsmooth systems and Nash equilibrium seeking via projected gradient dynamics [C]. The 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017: 6308-6313.

    [5]   Shu LiangSheng-Guo WangYong Wang. Online algorithm for third-order minimum time discrete tracking differentiator [C]. The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Qingdao, China, 23-25 May 2015: 5418-5423.

    [6]   Shu LiangSheng-Guo WangYong Wang. Representation and LQR of exact fractional order systems [C]. The 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Los Angeles, California, 15-17 Dec. 2014: 6908-6913.

    [7]   Songsong Cheng, Shu Liang, Yiguang Hong. Distributed stochastic algorithm for convex optimization over directed graphs [C]. The 31st Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Nanchang, China, 3-5 June 2019: 101-106.

    [8]   Xianlin ZengShu Liang, Jie Chen, Yiguang Hong. Privacy preservation for distributed nonsmooth constrained optimization based on pseudo-subgradient [C]. The 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Wuhan, China, July 25-27, 2018: 2400-2405.

    [9]   Lingfei Wang, Shu Liang, Yiguang Hong. Discrete-time algorithm for distributed Nash equilibrium seeking of a class of aggregative games [C]. The 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Dalian, China, 26-28 July, 2017: 11325-11325.

    [10]   Xianlin ZengShu LiangYiguang Hong. Distributed variational equilibrium seeking of multi-coalition game via variational inequality approach [C]. The 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017: 963-968.

    [11]   Yuanzheng ChuYanyu YangShu LiangSongsong ChengYong Wang. Synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems via a novel sliding mode control [C]. The 35th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Chengdu, China, July, 27-29, 2016: 3333-3338.

    [12]   Yiheng WeiShu LiangYangsheng HuYong Wang. Composite model reference adaptive control for a class of nonlinear fractional order systems [C]. The ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,   Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August, 2-5, 2015: V00907015-V00907015.

    [13]   Songsong ChengYiheng WeiShu LiangKaitian ZhangQing Liang. Rejection and tracking sinusoidal signals based on state-derivative feedback [C]. The 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), Hangzhou, China, July, 28-30, 2015: 23-29.

    [14]   Xi ZhouYiheng WeiShu LiangYong Wang. Positive real lemmas for fractional order systems [C]. The 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Los Angeles, California, USA, 15-17 Dec. 2014: 6914-6919.
